Monday, March 16, 2009

Pee & Progress

Well, I'd just like to thank everyone who has given me ideas to help with potty training. McKayla is doing better. Today she peed in the potty three times and only twice on the floor. She's walking around the apartment in her "special pairs" of undies which she mostly doesn't like unless I ask her to take them off to sit on her potty. At that point, she will do most anything to keep them on. She is very strong willed. I've learned that she is motivated by big girl drinks like Capri Sun and juice boxes, as well as, privileges such as going outside, ABC time on the computer, helping mommy make dinner or riding around on daddy like a cowgirl. She despises sitting on the potty but always looks so pleased when she actually goes in the right place. Go figure. I am looking forward to the day when I know she is really fully trained. I feel so tense all the time wondering if she needs to go. I am even dreaming of potty training. I wake myself up yelling, "Oh, not there!" or "McKayla, you did it!" I don't really think that's a fair reward for working so hard to help my child become a big person. Dreams should be saved for more relaxing things like sitting on the beach or eating really fattening brownies.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad she is getting a hang of things... she will learn soon enough. And I'm jealous that she will prolly be peeing in the potty before Aiden :(
mmm... brownies!

Amber Madsen said...

Yes I totally agree about the dreams! It's amazing how something so small consumes you life for a while! It looks like you caught on to what works for her it's only a matter of time before she's potty trained!!! GOOD LUCK!

Camille said...

Little progress is positive, right? Kate was doing o.k. until yesterday. We were both distracted by Maddie's bday party. Does a dream about floating down an endless river count? That's what I've been dreaming since we started potty training.