Thursday, March 5, 2009

More Poop

So, the poop saga continues (see below if you missed yesterday's blog). McKayla is on a new medicine to help her sleep through the night. It's been working pretty well and she's even slept through the entire night a few times in the last night. However, it also makes her a little grumpier in the daytime and leaves her with absolutely no desire to nap during the day. Today I tried something new . . . quiet time. It set up our portable DVD player in the bedroom, tucked her into my bed with some books and told her I'd be back in an hour. In retrospect, I should have kept the baby monitor on but I was enjoying the quiet to read my scriptures, do a little email and some family history research. I heard a few noises in the room but overall I thought she did pretty well. Boy was I mistaken. My room was thrashed. She took out all the tissues from the tissue box, dumped all the books on the floor and took off her diaper on my bed. Now, taking off the diaper wouldn't be so bad except that it was filled with poop. There it was . . . a giant log on my sheets. YUCK!!!!! I'm getting really sick of poop. I really hope I have nothing to report about poop tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

oh man Jill... that girl really likes to take off her diaper hunh? It could be worse... I have a friend whose baby threw it on the walls...
Think positive thoughts and good luck :)

Cariann said...

sounds like it could be close to potty training time to me. I hope it all works out

Ben and Alissa said...

So gross! But very good stories (for you) to have (hopefully not me!). When she has her own baby and they do something like that you can tell her all her poop stories. She'll appreciate how gross it is I'm sure.

Amber Madsen said...

Not again. . . YUCKY! I'm so sorry!