Sunday, January 23, 2011

Funny Stories

So, the kids have said some pretty funny things lately . . .

The other night we were having a family home evening about being nice to people, even if they aren't being nice to you. I read a story and we talked about some examples. At the very end I asked, "So, should we be kind to others even if they are mean to us?" Kayla looked up at me and said, "No! No way mom." She was very serious and I couldn't help but laughing. I'm glad that lesson sunk in!

Today after church everyone was eating lunch. I left the kitchen to take care of Liam for a minute and when I came back Beckham blurts our that daddy gave him some 'daddy drink' (aka soda). I could see Lonnie shaking his head trying to get Beckham to be quiet but Becks just grinned wider and told me about his special drink again. This time Lonnie said, "Becks, I won't be able to give you special treats if you tell everyone. That's part of the 'Man Rule'. Beckham looked up at Lonnie and said, "What's a manimal?" Too funny. We all started laughing so he kept repeating manimal with a confused look. I think they learned about animals in primary today, so I can only imagine what kind of strange creature he was dreaming of in his head.

Finally, tonight Kayla really wanted me to paint her finger and toe nails. I usually do it while the boys are napping because it causes Beckham great stress. He doesn't like that girls get to paint on themselves and he doesn't. Lonnie was trying to console him by explaining that boys get to do lots of cool stuff that girls can't do like peeing standing up. He even promised him a camping trip where they could pee off of a mountain. That seemed to calm him down a bit because Kayla is a little jealous that she can't stand while doing her business. So, after his bath he came running out of the bathroom with his Buzz Lightyear gun yelling about how he was shooting the fingernail polish and peeing off of a mountain. I sincerely hope his imagination doesn't take that story too far . . . peeing off of his bed . . . daddy gets to clean that one up!

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