Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blessings in California

Well, as some of you know Lonnie and I intended to live in Washington while he's off track at BYU-I, but we ended up in California. We've talked a lot about why we're here now and there seem to be a lot of little blessings all around us. First of all, the blessing of work for Lonnie and for his step-dad. With a wedding coming up soon my in-laws needed contracts to pay for everything. It seems that just as we came to CA my father-in-law started getting more contracts than he knew what to do with. Secondly, there have been lots of opportunities to help family members here. We've gotten to know nieces and nephews better, help my sister-in-law move into a new house, be a shoulder to cry on, baby sit while my brother and sister-in-law work, work on projects around the house and even cut my brother-in-law's hair (btw . . . he's had dreds for the past 14 years and it took almost 5 hours of cutting and combing to leave him with a manageable hair cut). Another major blessing is that our kids haven't been sick once while we've been in transit. I wouldn't really be able to take them to a doctor here since our medicaid is for WA. Health is a huge blessing. Finally, last night I got to help a lady who needed some gas money and it just made me feel good. Like everyone, my testimony waivers at times and I wonder if I'm really on the right track. Then little miracles occur and they remind me that there is a purpose to life and the relationships we make. I started this post nearly a week ago . . . so much for having more time on Sundays.


Corrine said...

if it is a week or two since you started a post, or whatever, I am still glad you can find time to keep us updated in your life. I am glad you have found joy in being in CA!! Blessings are all around if we look for them! miss ya!! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that California turned out to be so wonderful! I was telling Trevor about the dreds: "that's when you just take a razor and go to town". I miss you and can't wait for you to come back!

jeppsenfam said...

Jill, found your blog through Kari. So great to see pics of your family. Stay in touch. Tif